Ellen from Memorial

After finding feminism and feminist spirituality while living in Florida, Ellen Spangler founded a teaching and healing center in rural South Carolina.

Falcon River being nuzzled by her horse, Flame, in 2005

There’s nothing about me that’s masculine. Every aspect of me, at the cellular level, is female. I was born female; I live female. Butch women like me embody the full spectrum of womanhood.

Flash Silvermoon rocking with Flash Silvermoon and the Blues Sisters in the 1990s at the University Club, Gainesville, Florida's main gay bar.

Psychic, astrologer, healer, feminist activist; gifted musician and singer, spiritually connected to animals, blazing through life with her red hair bold as her character.

Jade River, in Madison, Wisconsin, circa 1983, when Jade and Lynnie Levy co-founded the Re-formed Congregation of the Goddess- International.

Mother’s Brew bar, managed by Jade River, was a lesbian-feminist cultural center for the Louisville, Kentucky region, and a safe space for lesbians.