May and June 2024 are multiple anniversaries for the SLFA Herstory Project. It’s the fifteenth anniversary of our first Herstory Project planning workshop at Womonwrites. It’s the tenth anniversary of our first special issue of Sinister Wisdom. And it’s the second anniversary of the launching of this website.

We celebrated the publication of our sixth and final Sinister Wisdom volume two years ago. The six special volumes contain a treasure trove of collected stories, interviews, timelines, and photographs from three decades of twentieth-century, lesbian-feminist activism in Southern states. Now, we are focusing on making these edited interviews available online as we continue to add new interviews.

The herstory of lesbian-feminist activism in the South was rapidly being lost as these stories of unsung sheroes were not being reported in any of the memoirs and histories of the women’s liberation movement in the twentieth century.

Sandra has been involved in many kinds of activism, including anti-racism through the Atlanta Lesbian Feminist Alliance (ALFA); Lesbians for Empowerment, Action, and Politics (LEAP); and anti-nuclear protests and peace activism; and disability rights actions in South Carolina and Florida.

Bonnie Netherton in the rowboat she used to travel back and forth to her Chinese junk, Ming Meng

The very best years of my life were the years that I lived on the water, on the boat. I think of those years as the best, the best I ever lived.

The Women’s Peace Walk celebrates finally arriving in Key West, Florida. From left to right: Lynda Lou Simmons (facing the camera), Pam Smith, Rainbow Williams, Robin Ferguson (holding the Women’s Peace Walk banner), Sandy Cosgrave (looking up), Kate Gallagher (clapping), Gail Mayes, Dixie Biggs, Weed Roy (wearing “stop the bomb racket” poster), Jean Frances (making peace sign), Sandra Lambert, unidentified woman in a rainbow tam, and Sandy Malone.

Corky Culver joins the Gainesville Women’s Peace Walk, an act of courageous defiance, a 41-day journey down the east coast of Florida, from Gainesville to Key West.