SLFAHP in Sinister Wisdom
Southern Lesbian Feminist Herstory Project (SLFAHP) in Sinister Wisdom
- Sinister Wisdom: a Multicultural Lesbian Literary & Art Journal, published quarterly since 1976. The SLFAHP has published six special issues of Sinister Wisdom, 2014-2022,
You can order copies of individual back issues at
- Sinister Wisdom published an online supplement to our first special issue, Southern Lesbian Feminist Herstory Project: 1968-1994 (Summer 2014), with links to 17 interviews used in the issue, as well as the audio recordings of four songs by the lesbian band, Yer Girlfriend:
- Since the pandemic began, Sinister Wisdom has produced Zoom readings for each issue as it is released. These are recorded and posted on their website, linked to the cover image at
Recordings of readings from our last two issues are online at: and
For volume 116 Making Connections, a recording of the Charis release party is also online at: