Other Lesbian Archive Projects and Collections
- Alabama Invisible Histories Project combines lesbian and gay history, and it is a good resource for tracing LGBT history in a state where it is surprising to find anything at all. The following YouTube video, June 2023 program on YouTube, produced by the Alabama Department of Archives & History, provides a good introduction to the Alabama activism of the 1970s to the 1990s.
- Archives of Lesbian Oral Testimony, alotarchives.org, although no longer accepting new material, they did “collect and make available the oral histories of people who presently or at one time identified as same-sex and same-gender attracted women.”
Send your questions to Special Collections and Rare Books at the Simon Fraser University Library to this email address: scrb@sfu.ca.
From 2017 to 2018, they sponsored a podcast that is still available online. Callie Hitchcock interviewed donors and oral herstorians including Joan Nestle and Julie Enszer. Listen to the interview by Callie Hitchcock of SLFAHP’s Rose Norman about the SLFA Herstory Project here: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lesbian-testimony-podcast/id1291701028 - Black Women Writers, https://blackwomenwriters.com This website provides an alphabetical listing of Black women writers with links to archives.
- Canada’s LGBTQ2+ ArQuives, formerly the Canadian Lesbian and Gay Archives, is located in Toronto, Canada. You can find them online: “The ArQuives Digital Exhibitions is a curated collection of online exhibits highlighting the world’s largest independent collection of LGBTQ2+ documentary heritage.” https://arquives.ca/
- Edith “Edie” Daly / Women’s Energy Bank Collection, University of South Florida, Florida: archives.lib.usf.edu/repositories/2/resources/442
- The Jean-Nickolaus Tretter Collection in Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Studies | University of Minnesota Libraries (umn.edu): “the largest LGBTQ-specific archival repository in the upper Midwest.” Lisa Vecoli, a retired Tretter librarian, has also started the Minnesota Lesbian Community Organizing Oral History Project, which will be archived in the Tretter collection. Follow them on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100068638159641
- Outliers & Outlaws: The Eugene Lesbian History Project, Eugene, Oregon: outliers.outlaws.uoregon.edu/archive
- June Mazer Archives in West Hollywood, California: https://www.mazerlesbianarchives.org/
- Lambda Archives in in San Diego, California, limited only to LGBTQ culture in that city: lambdaarchives.org
- Lesbian Herstory Archives in Brooklyn, New York: https://lesbianherstoryarchives.org/
- Old Lesbian Oral History Project (OLOHP) collects stories of lesbians age seventy and older. These stories are archived at Smith College, in Northampton, Massachusetts: https://olohp.org/index.html
- ONE National Gay & Lesbian Archives is housed at the University of Southern California libraries in Los Angeles, California: one.usc.edu
- Lesbian Home Movie Project digitizes, archives, and provides online access to lesbian home movies at: https://www.lesbianhomemovieproject.org/
- Newcomb Archives and Vorhoff Collection at Tulane University in New Orleans, Louisiana, has Shewolf’s archive. They also have a big digital photo collection that focuses on the gulfcoast South: newcomb.tulane.edu/archives
- Stonewall National Museum and Archives in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, is mostly interested in Florida and the Southeast stonewall-museum.org
- Wanderground Lesbian Archive/Library collects and provides access to a broad selection of New England-based publications, artifacts, and personal memorabilia from the period 1950-2000.
Wanderground offers community gathering spaces in order to preserve the vibrant past of local Lesbians, and in order to encourage present-day learning and discovery, to cultivate a future of thriving, Lesbian communities.
Additionally, Wanderground includes a collection of books, journals, and other materials from Lesbian and feminist independent presses, especially those from the early Women in Print movement (1965-2000)
Built on the energies and pride of Lesbians, Wanderground Lesbian Archive/Library reclaims Lesbian visibility, lifts our voices, honors lived experiences, and celebrates the creativities of Lesbians. Committed to the belief that the personal is political, we gather the stories of New England Lesbians to protect legacies that might otherwise be forgotten. Grounded in the knowledge of our past, we work to integrate the present and to build a transformational and equitable future. https://wanderground.org - Womonwrites: The Southeast Lesbian Writers Conference, contains 40 years of archival documents, including publicity, anthologies of writings, some photographs, and video from the conferences held in spring of 1998 and 1999. Womonwrites is the birthplace of the SLFA Herstory Project archive. https://archives.lib.duke.edu/catalog/womonwrites