Submit stories under the submissions tab, or use the DONATE button below to give what you can to help the Southern Lesbian Feminist Activist Herstory Project save the past for the future. Our vital work has taken on an increased sense of urgency since we began our collection of stories of lesbian-feminist activism in the South.

Even now, many of the women whose essential stories we have collected are no longer available. Between death and dementia, and with the lack of documentation, our herstory is disappearing. We aspire to preserve it with this project.
1. Donate by collecting stories in your own area, or
2. If you do not write, money is always needed to transcribe our recordings of oral herstories and to maintain this website where we share them.
Your monetary donations — and the stories you might contribute — directly benefit our ability to expand accessibility to this herstory through our website.
Questions? Email us:
To donate by check, make checks payable to SLFAHP and mail to
c/o Rand Hall
1289 CR 72
Mentone, AL 35894
To donate by credit card, debit card, or Pay Pal, click the DONATE button below:
Thank you so much for supporting the SLFA Herstory Project. This is a volunteer effort by many dedicated women who deeply appreciate your help.