Pam McMichael

Pam McMichael, born in 1953 (she/her), grew up working class in rural Kentucky. She moved to Louisville, Kentucky for graduate school. She credits Black and white civil rights leaders there, among others, for bringing her up as a movement person.
Pam McMichael has returned to Louisville after serving for twelve years as executive director of the Highlander Center, a historic, civil rights organization based in New Market, Tennessee. She is a cofounder of Showing Up for Racial Justice (SURJ), a founding codirector of Southerners on New Ground (SONG), and a cofounder of the Louisville Fairness Campaign, which does statewide fairness work. Her international solidarity work has included South Africa, Central America, and the Middle East. She was a national fellow with a Rockefeller Foundation project to address the growing crisis in U.S. democracy.
Currently, Pam McMichael serves as cochair of the Kentucky Poor People’s Campaign; and she serves on the board of the SURJ Education Fund and on the board of the Carl Braden Memorial Center in Louisville. She is also a playwright and poet, bringing considerable experience and creativity to merge art and music with organizing and activism.
See also:
McMichael SLFA edited transcript:
McMichael SLFA audio with unedited machine translated transcript: